Episode 13: Lots of Updates

Let’s do a super quick wrap-up of some of the newest things we know about immunity, when people are the most contagious, and the quest for protecting the herd.

Episode 11: A Remarkable Flattening

America has accomplished something truly remarkable – We have Flattened The Curve. But with 100,000 already dead, what does that actually mean for us?

Episode 9: The Magical Mirage of Miracles

[The Sagas of Hydroxychloroquin and Remdesivir] Today we are going to talk about the hopes and dreams of cures, and how we even make that determination with any hope of accuracy.

Episode 8: Viral Mutations

Mutating viruses are the terrifying domain of horror films and nightmares – if the Coronavirus is mutating into new strains, we are toast, right? Maybe. But probably not.

Episode 6: Dangers of Reopening Too Quickly

As society begins to reopen, how long will it take for us to know if our ongoing protective measures work, or don’t? Just as what happened to us during COVID’s initial sweep of across civilization, it has the ability to start spreading again weeks before we can even realize it. Extreme caution is advised.